Goals for 2013

I must admit that when I first thought about writing goals for 2013, I thought, “By the end of this year, David will be 4½, Elanor will be 18 months, and I will attempt to survive.”  I know that doesn’t sound very ambitious for someone who actually tends to be an over-achiever, but seriously, for anyone who hasn’t done it, parenting little ones can be so challenging that on some days, survival seems like a monumental achievement.

I was also a bit hesitant to write goals for 2013 simply because I know better than to form very specific plans or to assume I know what to expect.  2012 was such a roller coaster year of change (new town, new home, new church, new car, new baby …).  2013 looks like it might be a little more stable (if I dare to write that …), and that thought was what actually changed my mind and got me writing goals.  Stability I’m okay with.  Stagnancy, no.  Particularly in a year that may not have much external change, I want to be actively pursuing growth.

So last week while visiting Ben’s family in South Carolina, I wrote a list of goals for 2013.  It all seemed so possible when the ratio of adults to children in the home was 6 to 2.  Now I’m back home, and when Ben is working, the ratio of adults to children has changed from 1 to 2, and I’m that outnumbered 1.  No goal seems very possible, especially in the late afternoon when both children are fussy.

If I could pick a word for the year 2013, it would be sacrifice.  I know that whatever this year holds, it will be challenging.  Parenting two little ones will require a continual laying down of self.  I will daily have to die to my own desires and pour myself out for their needs.  But I don’t want to focus on my own sacrifice in self-pity, but remember the example I’m following:

“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” – Philippians 2:5-8.  That’s the sacrifice I want to think about this year—the sacrifice of Christ who for the joy set before Him endured.

And there is definitely joy set before me.

 So here are some goals for 2013.  I’m posting them on the blog to help keep me accountable if for no other reason!

Spiritual Life/Church
  • Have a daily individual quiet time
  • Have a family Bible time every day
  • Continue to do Bible studies with both small group and women’s Bible study

  • Go on date with Ben once a month
  • Getaway to Harrisonburg in the fall (2-3 nights)
  • Do fun things together (watch television shows, cook, garden, home projects, take walks)
  • Read and talk together a lot

  • Continue preschool with David
    • Reading—begin long vowel sounds
    • Writing—finish learning to write the alphabet and numbers, begin writing words
    • Bible—reading, memory, songs
    • Science and history—do some fun stuff
    • Read aloud every day, library trips, occasional library storytime
    • Do more crafts and hands-on activities
    • Get involved in some sort of coop next fall, maybe Classical Conversations?
  • Elanor—continue solids, keep cloth diapering, fully weaned by the fall
  • Keep calm and carry on
  • Lots of patience, affection, love

Teaching, Writing, & Reading
  • Finish teaching Middle School Literature & Composition class in the spring
  • Begin teaching another class in the fall (prepare over the summer)
  • Blog twice a month
  • Write letters to Ben, David, and Elanor once a month
  • Always be in the middle of reading one book, and alternate fiction and nonfiction

  • Get valance/curtains for upstairs family room, David’s bedroom, master bedroom
  • Hang pictures in upstairs family room
  • Downstairs family room: build bookshelves, unpack, organize, decorate
  • Get shelf for master bathroom
  • Do a garden in the spring

  • Achieve 135 pounds by doing the Whole 30 diet a few times
  • When Elanor consistently sleeps through the night, start waking up at 6:30
  • Prioritize going to bed at a good time
  • Exercise at least 3x a week
  • Get outside daily when the weather is good
  • Minimize grains and sugar, maximize fruits and veggies


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