Shopping Adventures
Confession: I rarely go shopping with all three of my
kids. My theory is that being a mom of
little ones is hard enough, and if I can avoid circumstances that are
particularly insanity-inducing for me, so much the better.
Ben works from home, so I frequently slip out on a quick
errand while Brennan is napping. David
has recently opted to stay home and work on quiet projects rather than trail
behind me through the grocery store (I wonder why?!). That often leaves shopping to be a “Mommy and
Me” activity for Elanor, which is kind of fun.
I also tend to shop when one of the older kids is at a class or
extracurricular activity. Or my favorite
option—shop in the evening or on weekends when Ben can watch all the kids and I
go alone. Actually, my very favorite
option—Amazon Prime. Forget shopping at
I think the last time I took all three kids shopping was
this summer when I made an ambitious Costco run with Brennan in the front
carrier, which worked fine, albeit a bit awkwardly, until I got to the part
where I wanted to purchase a huge watermelon.
How to get it in the cart with baby in the front pack? I’ll admit I looked around hoping someone
would notice my plight and offer to put the watermelon in the cart for me. No one did.
Any tips, baby-carrying super moms?
How do you wrestle watermelons?
Anyway, this morning I decided to take all three kids on an
outing to Target to buy new sneakers for Elanor and to have a treat at
Starbucks as an award for their being good.
Brennan is big enough to ride in the cart now, so in theory this was
going to be an easy, fun adventure for everyone.
The number of comments I got—“Wow, you have (carefully
counting) 1, 2, 3!” or “The troops are out in force today!”—was a little
surprising to me. Is three really that
much more than two? Yes. Yes, it is.
I also hadn’t realized what a spectacle we would be. I may as well have been leading my own
menagerie around Target. Elanor’s outfit
of choice for today was a striped hoodie, floral shorts, and bright chunky
snowboots which she stomped with gusto.
Her three-year-old enthusiasm for everything was
overwhelming—“Whoa! Check this out!”
The kids were particularly delighted to discover that
Starbucks was actually inside Target. They were exclaiming about this (at loud
volume) for several minutes while we waited in line. “A Starbucks inside Target! Isn’t that strange? Starbucks is right here! Like ten steps from the checkout! It’s like Starbucks and Target are—mixed!”
It doesn’t take much to entertain them. The funniest exchange was this one:
Elanor: “Ooo, look, bras!”
Me: “We’ll think about those when you get older, Elanor.”
David: “What are those?”
Me (suddenly aware of other customers listening in): “Well,
um, those are … women wear them …”
Elanor: “To keep the milk from spilling!”
I drove home wondering if I could have bought shoes for
Elanor with Amazon Prime.
Oh Lisa, thanks for the laugh. Lucas is only two but he knows way too much about pumping milk for his own good. I'm waiting for a comment like that to happen (thankfully we spend most of the day with nurses, so they would understand!).